WWE Smackdown Results (10/31) – Divas Battle Royal, Henry on Miz TV, Ambrose vs Cesaro!

Heath Slater vs Ryback

Slater ducks a clothesline and swings at Ryback, then he applies a waistlock but Ryback pulls his hand off and Slater brags about his trick. (Slater is dressed as a scarecrow.) Ryback drops him with a spinebuster, then he hits a Meathook and Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner – Ryback

Adam Rose and the Rosebuds go treat or treating backstage and run into Gold & Stardust, then a Ninja Turtle and a ghost. They all scream at the ghost but R-Truth reveals himself under the costume, and Truth talks about the bunny overshadowing Rose, and he shouldn’t have so many friends because no one notices him. Rose says he’s wrong and Truth gives him a rock as a gift, then Rose asks what he’s supposed to do with it. Rose says nevermind, then he leads the Rosebuds away and tells them to carry on.

Miz kicks Miz TV off with a pitch for him to be on a Survivor Series team, then he brings up Mark Henry attacking Big Show. Henry comes out and says they all know what happened, so Miz should ditch the stupid questions. Henry says Big Show was jealous of him getting attention, and Miz says there was something else to it. He plays a clip of Show and Rusev, with Henry smiling, and Henry says Show wanted the spotlight, and he doesn’t care about America. Henry says he wanted to help his friend and support him, but Show tried bossing him around so he proved who the stronger man is. Show comes out and runs to the ring, and Henry tries to run but Show grabs him and hits him several times. Henry turns and whips Show through the barricade, then he taunts the crowd and leaves.

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