WWE Smackdown Results (11/14) – Bray Continues To Taunt Ambrose, Ziggler Defends Against Kidd & Cesaro, Kane vs Ryback!

Intercontinental Championship (Triple Threat Elimination) 
Tyson Kidd vs Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler (c)

Dolph takes Kidd down and dropkicks Cesaro, then he elbows Kidd as we go to a break. We get back to see Cesaro hit a gutwrench slam for two, then he connects with a double underhook powerbomb before Kidd jumps in with an elbow drop. Cesaro takes him down with a gutwrench slam, then Dolph whips Cesaro into the post and hits Kidd with a Famouser for two. Cesaro sets Dolph up top and Kidd dropkicks him in the back, inadvertently knocking Dolph into tree of woe position. Kidd ducks a clothesline by Cesaro and dropkicks Dolph, then Cesaro trades punches with Kidd before Dolph splashes Cesaro for a near fall. 

Dolph hits both men with corner splashes, then he simultaneously hits Kidd with a neckbreaker and Cesaro with a DDT for two. Kidd catches Dolph offguard and knocks him down, then he heads up top but Cesaro uppercuts him and heads up top. Dolph climbs up top and they end up in a Tower of Doom spot, where Kidd powerbombs Cesaro as Cesaro is superplexing Dolph. Kidd puts Cesaro in a Sharpshooter but Cesaro crawls and tries to pin Dolph while he’s in the move, then Cesaro kicks Tyson outside and Dolph goes for a DDT. Cesaro blocks and uppercuts him, then Cesaro blocks a springboard by Kidd with a backbreaker as we go to another break. 

We get back to see Kidd put Dolph in a Sharpshooter, then Cesaro also puts Dolph in a Crossface, but Kidd breaks the hold and stomps Cesaro several times. Cesaro kicks him back and puts him in the Giant Swing, then Dolph kicks him and and hits a Zig Zag. Kidd runs in and throws Dolph outside, stealing the first pinfall, then Kidd sends Dolph into the steps with a headscissors and whips him into the barricade. Kidd rolls Dolph in and connects with a spinning neckbreaker for two, then he goes for a Sharpshooter but Dolph rolls through and hits a Zig Zag for the win. 

Winner – Dolph Ziggler 


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