WWE Smackdown Results (11/14) – Bray Continues To Taunt Ambrose, Ziggler Defends Against Kidd & Cesaro, Kane vs Ryback!

 Natalya vs Layla (w/ Summer Rae) 

Nattie hits Layla a few times and goes for a quick Sharpshooter, but Layla makes it to the ropes and stands up and slaps Nattie in the face. Nattie slaps her back and sends her in the corner, but Layla punches her in the back of the head and knocks her outside. She narrowly makes it back in before the ten count, then Layla chokes her on the ropes and puts her in a grounded headscissors, and transitions to a bodyscissors. Nattie turns and connects with some forearms, then she connects with a dropkick for two before sending her into the corner. Layla kicks Nattie in the stomach and sends her outside, then Nattie ducks a strike and slaps Summer in the face. She rolls Layla back in and blocks a kick, then makes Layla tap to the Sharpshooter.

Winner – Natalya 

Byron Saxton tries to catch up with Dean Ambrose backstage, and Ambrose says if Bray Wyatt wants to get in his head, he will regret it. Bray runs in from behind and attacks, then he hits Sister Abigail and sends Ambrose into a wall. Bray leans down and says Ambrose is going to be labeled, and they will put him in a box, but if Ambrose continues down this road, he’ll be in a box in the ground.

Kane vs Ryback  

Ryback blocks a headlock and stomps Kane in the corner, then Kane hits him a few times but Ryback hits a suplex and clotheslines him outside. We get back from a break to see Kane kick Ryback in the face, then he knees Ryback and connects with a dropkick off the ropes. Kane sends him into the corner but Ryback comes back with a diving elbow, then Kane calls for a chokeslam but Ryback blocks it. Ryback scoop slams him and connects with a Meathook, then he calls for Shell Shocked but Kane floats over and swings at him. Ryback ducks and sends him outside, then Kane pulls him onto the floor and whips him into the ringpost before grabbing a chair.

Kane hits Ryback with a chair a few times and the ref rings the bell, then Triple H starts directing Kane but Ryback comes back with a spinebuster. Ryback beats Kane with the chair while HHH watches on the apron, then Ryback gets in HHH’s face and stares him down as the show closes.

Winner (by disqualification) – Ryback 


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