Graphics / Type Treatment By Bill Pritchard

Flashback: WWE Survivor Series Results 2014 – New Divas & Tag Team Champs, Dolph Steals The Show, Sting Debuts & The Authority Is Gone!

Slater Gator vs Adam Rose & The Bunny 

Titus whips Rose into the corner and punches him a few times, then Slater and The Bunny tag in and The Bunny rolls Slater up for the win. Rose looks upset as he was looking to stay in the match, but the Rosebuds celebrate and carry The Bunny backstage and Rose questions the whole thing. 

Winners – Adam Rose & The Bunny 

Roman Reigns joins the show via satellite, and he says his recovery is coming along nicely and he’s getting stronger every day. He says if he was there tonight he would cock his fist back and make it ‘reign’ in that bitch. JBL says he’s not here, but Seth Rollins is, and Rollins may very well lead Team Authority to a victory tonight. Reigns says they all know how he feels about Rollins, and it doesn’t matter who wins, because he’s coming back next month no matter who is here, and they can believe in that.

WWE Divas Championship

Nikki Bella (w/ Brie Bella) vs AJ Lee (c) 

The bell rings but Brie stays on the apron with the Divas Championship, then AJ tries to pull the title away from her. Brie instead pulls her in and kisses her, then Nikki clotheslines her and hits a Rack Attack for the win. Brie ends up smiling and raising Nikki’s arm, then Nikki celebrates with the title and they walk out together. 

Winner and NEW Divas Champion – Nikki Bella