WWE Smackdown Results (12/12) – Rollins Calls Out Cena, Swagger vs Titus, Big Six Man Tag Main Event

Nikki Bella (w/ Brie Bella) vs Alicia Fox 

Nikki applies a headlock but Alicia elbows her and knocks her down, then she armdrags Nikki and applies an armbar. Nikki fights out with some elbows and kicks her in the corner, then she knees her in the back and slams her on the back of her head. Nikki lifts Alicia and hits a front slam, taunts her with a one-footed pin before putting her in a submission hold. Alicia breaks out and connects with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then she throws a few punches and follows with a Northern lights suplex for two. Alicia charges her but Nikki slams her on her side, then Alicia misses a corner kick and Nikki hits a forearm shot and Rack Attack for the win.

Winner – Nikki Bella 

Big E (w/ The New Day) vs Goldust (w/ Stardust)

Goldust hits Big E a few times before E tries for a powerslam, but Goldust floats over so E hits him and sends him to the apron. E charges him and goes for a tackle, but Goldust knees him in the head and runs across the ring. E catches him with a clothesline, then he connects with the Big Ending for the win. 

Winner – Big E 

Jack Swagger vs Titus O’Neil

Swagger charges the corner and hits Titus a few times, then Titus shoves him back and they fight for position in a tie up. Titus mocks Swagger so Swagger sweeps his legs and connects with some mounted punches, then he whips him to the opposite corner and kicks him in the face. Swagger kicks Titus from the apron, then he tries to pull him back in but Titus whips him shoulder first into the ringpost. Titus repeatedly punches him and hits a fallaway slam, then Swagger snaps his head on the ropes and charges at him. Titus hits a clothesline and ties him up in the ropes, then goes for another fallaway slam but Swagger swings around and makes him tap out to the Patriot Lock. 

Winner – Jack Swagger

Rusev and Lana come out and taunt Swagger with the United States Championship, and Swagger just stares back as Rusev raises the title above his head.