12/16 WWE Main Event Results: Kane vs. Erick Rowan, The New Day in Action, Miz Continues Drama w/ Jimmy Uso & Naomi

-Roman Reigns is being hyped for the top of the hour, and will be kicking off Super Smackdown Live. 

-Paige is playing chess backstage with Erick Rowan. Titus O’Neil walks up and tells her to stop wasting her time. He makes fun of Rowan for being stupid, but doesn’t know how to play chess and storms off. 

Emma vs. Paige

Emma does her dance move and shoves Paige, which pisses her off. Paige kicks the hell out of her and screams “this is my house” before choking her in the ropes. She locks in a back submission but ends up just throwing her opponent into the mat instead. Paige starts throwing elbows and kicks in the corner, then slaps her in the ass for fun. Emma with a roll-up out of nowhere for two, and Paige clotheslines her and stomps a mudhole in the corner. Emma comes back with a facebuster and a few clotheslines and locks in the Dil-Emma and follows up with a kick to the side of the head. Paige ends up getting the submission win with the PTO.