Mike Tenay’s New Role in TNA Revealed & More Details on “Impact Wrestling: Unlocked”, WWE Announces Match for Tribute to the Troops Special

Mike Tenay’s New TNA Role

impact-wrestlingLast week, TNA announced a new show called “IMPACT WRESTLING: UNLOCKED” which will air on Saturdays as a part of their new contract with Destination America. They have now announced that the show will be hosted by long-time commentator Mike Tenay.

During IMPACT WRESTLING: UNLOCKED viewers will get an enhanced experience as the screen comes alive with match facts and stats, as well as bonus commentary and exclusive footage taking fans deeper into the intriguing characters, captivating stories and fascinating personal lives of the TNA Superstars.

In addition, each week during IMPACT WRESTLING: UNLOCKED, Tenay will reveal the IMPACT WRESTLING Top 5, a power ranking of the top five heavyweights in TNA. This new ranking system is sure to spark controversy, debate, and most importantly, competition.

Former WWE announcer Josh Matthews will be replacing Mike Tenay as the play-by-play booth alongside Taz when Impact Wrestling resumes in 2015. 

“Boot Camp Match” Announced

It was officially announced on tonight’s WWE Super Smackdown Live show that Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt will face off again in a “Boot Camp Match” at the upcoming Tribute to the Troops special. 

WWE recorded the annual special earlier this month. Check out our complete SPOILER-filled coverage of the show for more. 


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