WWE RAW Results (2/2) – Triple H’s Announcement, Fast Lane Shakeup, Bryan vs Rollins!

Big Show vs Roman Reigns 

We get back from a break to see Show attacking Reigns, then Noble causes a distraction and Show chokeslams Reigns for two. Reigns makes a comeback and calls for a spear, but Rollins hits him with the briefcase behind the ref’s back, and Show slams Reigns down and makes the cover.

Winner – Big Show  

Triple H and Stephanie are shown watching from backstage, and they are talking about how they just manipulated everyone into setting things in motion. They say Rollins just took care of Reigns, and he can beat Bryan tonight, then Reigns at Fast Lane, and Rollins will get the title shot. HHH says all he has left tonight is the Stone Cold Steve Austin podcast, and Austin can ask him anything he wants.   

Curtis Axel walks out and says he got attacked and he would’ve won the Royal Rumble if it wasn’t for being taken out, and he points to the Wrestlemania sign and says he wants Brock Lesnar in the ring. Dean Ambrose cuts him off and they trade a few punches before Ambrose throws him over the ropes, and Ambrose says now Axel is eliminated. Ambrose says he cleared his head and he knows what he wants to do next, and he has ‘some bad news’ and he’s going after the Intercontinental Champion. Axel runs back in and attacks him but Ambrose clotheslines him, then he drops Axel with Dirty Deeds and celebrates. 

Gold & Stardust vs The Ascension 

Viktor hits a legsweep slam before Goldust tags in and connects with some jabs, then Konnor gets the tag and they hit Fall of Man. Stardust checks on Goldust before they argue with each other, and Stardust leaves him in the ring. 

Winners – The Ascension 

BP: The match was a total squash. This did nothing but continue to tease a rift with the Dust Brothers.