Ric Flair Reacts to Triple H Raw Segment (Video), Latest WWE Stock News, Zacks Says Stock is Over Bought, Update on Monday Night Wars DVDs

Latest WWE Stock News

As of now, WWE stock is trading at $17.33, which is up another 4.52% today.

In related news, Zacks has posted a WWE stock update noting it’s currently in over bought territory with an RSI value of 85.6 RSI stands for Relative Strength Index, and is an indicator used to compare the average gains and losses of a stock based on the closing prices during a trading period.

Update on Monday Night Wars DVDs

According to WrestlingDVDNews.com, WWE’s Monday Night War Volume 1 DVD is still planned for a summer release, and Volume 2 should be released in the winter.

The set was pushed back and the format was recently changed from 3 discs to 4 discs.

Ric Flair Reacts to Triple H Raw Segment

Another WWE Raw Fallout video has been released, featuring Ric Flair reacting to his segment with Triple H on Raw last night:


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