Update on NXT Using Veteran Wrestlers, WWE Diva Expected to Take Time Off, Indie Star Headed to WWE Soon

Source: F4WOnline.com 

More Veterans to NXT?

wwe nxt tv tapingAs seen on recent episodes of NXT, the company is using veteran wrestlers like Rhino and Brian Kendrick to help out the current developmental roster. The idea is that the younger talents will learn a lot quicker working with long-time stars that have years of television experience, and can help walk them through the “WWE process” in the ring. 

This is something that’s expected to continue. While it won’t happen in every match, or even every week, WWE may bring in more names at the next set of television tapings. 

WWE Diva Taking Time Off?

Lana is expected to take some time off television to film her parts for the upcoming WWE Studios film, Interrogation. The movie also stars WWE Hall of Famer Edge, and will begin production soon. 

Indie Star Finally WWE-Bound

While this has been rumored since mid-2014, independent wrestler star Uhaa Nation finally seems to be WWE-bound. He’s been saying goodbye to people at recent shows, and even gave a farewell speech at the 3/1 Dragon Gate event. 

Good to hear. Uhaa is a great athlete with a lot to offer any promotion. One of his signature maneuvers – I think it’s called the “Uhaa Combination” – is a military press followed by a standing moonsault, followed by a standing shooting star press. I doubt that makes it to television, but it’s a good indication of his athleticism. 


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