Dolph Ziggler Talks Who The Measuring Stick is in WWE, Is Winning The World Championship a Top Priority?

dolph zigglerDolph Ziggler spoke with Ring Rust Radio about a handful of topics, including his place in the WWE roster and if he will be world champion again. Here is the audio, but below are a few highlights of the interview:

Ziggler on who is the measuring stick in the WWE:

“Oh wow, I don’t know, my opinion all time would be Shawn Michaels. Measuring stick now? I mean, it depends, and do you have to be in the main event scene? Do you have to be one of the handpicked guys to talk every week, or can you be one of those guys that goes out every week whether it’s for two seconds or two minutes or twenty minutes or thirty minutes, walks to the back, and says to all the producers and talent in the back “follow that”. If that is the case then it’s me.”

On where winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship sits on his priority list:

“I’d like to think so, but also it all depends. Obviously I have to set my sights on the Intercontinental title right now, as I do I focus on that going into WrestleMania. Even if I wasn’t focused on that title, I would have to be because I am in no position on the card to say I am next in line for the World Heavyweight title. I am not dumb enough to think I am. Here’s the deal though, I can be, I have been, and I will be again one way or another. Whether I get that chance, that is out of my hands. It is in the hands of the WWE Universe, the hands of Vince McMahon, the hands of the Authority, and however you want to view that it’s in their hands. Can I pry it out of their hands? Yes. I’ve done it in the past when I wasn’t supposed to. There’s been a lot of guys who weren’t supposed to be champs that actually were. I will have the drive like I have had every single day since day one to be there and be the best. If I have to prove myself without that title, I’ll continue to do that until I get the chance to get that title.”


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