Complete TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results for 4/17 & 4/24 *Spoilers*

*Laura (CZW’s Cherry Bomb) defeated The Jade (Note from Mike: Mia Yim) with Marti Belle by DQ.

*There was a segment where EC3 declared he would be the next TNA champion. He and Mr. Anderson got into a brawl.

*Jade and Marti did a promo. They are being called The Dollhouse.

*Magnus did a promo with Mickie James where they teased Mickie was leaving the business to care for their son but James Storm came out and tried to convince her to keep wrestling.

*Davey Richards defeated Manik. The Revolution attacked but The Hardys made the save.

*Taryn Terrell defeated Awesome Kong in a No DQ match.


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