Vince McMahon Buys WCW on This Day in History; Today’s Wrestling Birthdays

Vince McMahon Purchases WCW

On this day in pro wrestling history, Vince McMahon and the WWE purchased World Championship Wrestling. CNN Money still has an archived article from March 23, 2001 about the takeover, if you’re interested in looking back from a more objective (non-revisionist) perspective. 

Pro Wrestling Birthdays

-Former WWE and TNA Superstar Travis “Tyson” Tomko turns 39 today. 

-Independent Canadian wrestler Danny Duggan turns 28. 

-New Japan star and 4-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan turns 44. 

-Independent wrestler Justin Mane, who was one of the many jobbers squashed by Ryback during his debut run, is 27 today. 

-Kevin Northcutt, a regular for TNA Wrestling during their weekly pay-per-views in 2003-2004, turns 41.