Drew Galloway Comments On Hometown Crowds, Performing At Wrestlemania, Top Ten WWE Smackdown Moments (VIDEO)

impact wrestlingDrew Galloway 

Impact Wrestling star Drew Galloway recently talked to the Daily Record UK in promoting his upcoming appearances for the Scottish Wrestling Alliance this weekend. 

Galloway talks about the thrill of competing at Wrestlemania (he competed at WM26, 28 & 30), but it doesn’t compare to wresting in front of his Scottish fans: 

“You can’t describe wrestling in front of 80,000 people at multiple WrestleManias, that’s unbelievable and was my dream.

But, coming home and wrestling in Scotland is something else. I was barely home for eight years and worked like crazy, as I still do, but thanks to an incredible Scottish wrestling scene. I’m home from Florida every month and seeing my country men and women so excited for wrestling, and myself, brings out a pride that’s indescribable.

Top Ten WWE Smackdown Moments

The following video features the Top Ten WWE Smackdown moments from the April 23rd broadcast of WWE Smackdown on SyFy: 


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