Today’s WWE Conference Call Highlights: Vince McMahon Talks Tough Enough, WWE Network, SD! to USA, First Quarter Numbers & More

wwe conference callEarlier today, WWE Executives Vince McMahon and George Barrios conducted a conference call and the following are some highlights:

-Vince hosted the beginning of the call, and touted this year’s record first quarter financial results. Vince also touched on the 1.3 million WWE Network subscribers, and said WrestleMania 31 was the most lucrative live event so far this year. Vince said social media followers were up nine percent, and he also spoke about new Network content including Camp WWE, Swerved, Too Hot For TV, and the other recently launched shows.

-Vince brought up Smackdown’s move to USA and he said he feels viewership of the show will increase with its move in 2016.

-On the return of WWE Tough Enough, Vince said they had over 5,000 video submissions and noted some are “ridiculous and humorous and others are, uh, quite interesting.”

-George Barrios then took over the call and said the WWE Network had roughly 196,000 international subscribers, but he noted WWE would not provide an updated number on the subscriber count until the second quarter financial report is released.

-A caller asked how many subscribers who were around for last WrestleMania are still active. “We haven’t published that data,” Barrios replied.