Complete TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results for 5/15 and 5/22 *Spoilers*

Match Number Two: Ethan Carter III defeated Ken Anderson with the One Percenter. Tyrus was locked in a cage for the match. It took a few minutes after everyone left ringside for Tyrus to be let out of the cage 

D’Angelo Dinero joins Josh Mathews for the next match to do commentary.

Match Number Three: Rockstar Spud won a six man elimination X Division Match featuring Manik, Mandrews, Argos, Crazy Steve, and Tiger Uno.

Jessie Godderz and Zema Ion cut promos before their match.

Match Number Four: Jessie Godderz defeated Zema Ion with a Boston Crab.

Match Number Five: Magnus defeated Khoya with two uranages. Before the match, Magnus cut a promo about his issues with James Storm and the Revolution.

Match Number Six: Kurt Angle defeated Eric Young in an I Quit Match to retain the TNA World Title. During the match, Angle had Young in the ankle lock and Young tapped out and got Angle to release the hold but the match continued because he did not say Quit.