WWE NXT Takeover: Unstoppable Complete Results: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn, Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch, Corbin & Rhino Collide

-Eva Marie from Total Divas is ringside. She somehow doesn’t get booed out of the building when they show her off. That’s probably a good sign.  

NXT Women’s Title Match
Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks (c) 

Lynch was teasing a new look, and comes out head-to-toe looking like MTG character Chandra Nalaar (black leather, steam punk goggles and fire-red hair). Amazing. Challenger controls early, out-wrestling the champ and almost locking in the armbar. Banks escapes into the ropes and takes a breather. Lynch continues to control the match until Sasha knocks her off the apron and gets her first opening. They go into headlocks and various submissions to slow things down, as Banks heels it up showing lots of disrespect. They set up for her corner stomp move, but she nails it into the arm instead of the gut. The champ goes to work on the now-injured arm, locking in a variation of an armbar around her own leg. Out of nowhere, Lynch dead-lifts Sasha into the air and breaks the hold with a huge powerslam! Both women are down. There’s a nice counter-grappling and pin attempt exchange before they brawl on the floor. Banks gets her arm wrenched around the post, so now they’ve both got bad shoulders. It’s all Lynch now, as he sets up for the armbar, but settles for a huge release German suplex for a nearfall (it was definitely a three-count, but Sasha didn’t get her arm up in time and the ref pretended like nothing happened right in front of the camera). Lynch finally get the armbar locked in, and eventually Banks makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Becky takes a breather on the outside; Banks does a suicida through the ropes but Lynch actually catches her and slams her into the ring steps. She comes off the top rope looking for a crossbody but gets caught in a crossface, and is forced to tap out. 

Winner: Sasha Banks


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