WWE NXT Takeover: Unstoppable Complete Results: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn, Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch, Corbin & Rhino Collide

May 20, 2015
Full Sail University, Winter Park, FL
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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-During the pre-show, WWE officially wrote off the injured Hideo Itami. Tonight's #1 contender's match will be a singles match between Tyler Breeze and Finn Balor. More on the situation here

#1 Contender's Match

Breeze gets a full super model entrance, with models walking the ramp and everything. He's definitely rocking a cape... Finn Balor has definitely brought the demon tonight, with spikes along his back and dragon-like wings from his arms to his body. Dueling chants to kick this one off - the crowd is probably about 60/40 in favor of Balor. 

Tons of quick-paced action early on with both guys relying on dropkicks. Breeze controls for several minutes, slowing things down, until Finn dropkicks him from the ring and does the double foot stomp off the apron. He looks to put it away with the Slingblade, but runs into a superkick for a nearfall. This leads into a crazy series of big moves from both men, pulling out everything. Breeze ends it with the Beauty Shot but only gets two. Finn bails from the ring and then totally disappears; Tyler goes to look for him and Balor comes diving off the top of the lighting structure to take him out. Eventually they make it back into the ring and Finn puts it away with the double foot stomp. 

Winner: Finn Balor

Lots of big, exciting spots for the crowd to get into. We've got a rowdy one tonight. At one point they started chanting "you're not counting" when Balor was gone for a considerable amount of time. 


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