Josh Mathews, “Just Go Away”

Josh Mathews made some obviously frustrated remarks on the NXT debut of Samoa Joe, making a point on the “hypocrisy” of WWE using Joe’s name and long-time gimmick.

“How did the NXT announcers know who Samoa Joe was if we are obscurity in their world?” 

At one point the most promising up-and-coming name in commentary, Mathews has either devolved or just now revealed his hidden bitterness and contempt since leaving WWE in 2014.

josh-mathewsFirst: The 36-year-old Seanoa was Samoa Joe long before TNA, and somehow managed to retain relevance with the fans despite many years of TNA wasting his potential. Joe was going to be a star no matter where he worked. He should have left years ago.  

Second: You would think WWE allowing him to continue using the name – no doubt a brilliant demand on the part of Joe during negotiations – was actually more of an acknowledgement of the success he found in TNA, rather than some imagined slight. What did you want them to do, drop TNA balloons from the Full Sail ceiling? 

I would have to assume the “obscurity” line is in reference to Sting. WWE never once mentioned his tenure on Impact Wrestling, other than to say he was lost in obscurity during the twilight of his career. A lot of people in TNA were upset by this. The reality is, WWE wasn’t taking shots at TNA – they really, really just don’t care. They shouldn’t. They have no realistic reason to care. Impact does not, in any way, effect the ratings, viewership, live attendance or merch sales of WWE. 

Even if there was a problem to talk about, it’s not Josh Mathews’ battle to fight. He wasn’t even in the door by the time Sting walked out of it. 

And Josh, if you’re reading this, it’s a little annoying to see a guy who’s had a small cup of coffee in TNA already playing the paper thin martyr card. I know it’s part of the contractual process when signing up that you have to pretend everyone is out to get you (much like pretending it’s OK not to pay your production crew on time), but it’s not helping anyone.

This sort of childish, petty bullshit is what makes it so frustrating that you are actually quite good at your job. But that’s TNA in a nutshell – Impact is largely a great product, but the damned company is so impossibly hard to root for. 

One last thing: Playing the “I’m allowed to have my own opinion” card after saying something colossally stupid on social media is so far beyond you, Josh. Or maybe it’s not. You’re one step away from playing the “I was hacked” card. 

Jim Ross had an opinion too. Maybe you should take your own advice and “just go away”. 

Although if Dave Meltzer is right – and please, feel free to add me to your no doubt long, hilarious laundry list of “defamation” cases – you may be looking for a job in just a couple of months. Maybe good ole’ JR needs a young boy.


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