VIDEO: MVP Speaks Out on Destination America / Ring of Honor Deal, Clarifies His “Frustrated” Tweets from Yesterday

As noted, TNA star MVP seemed to lash out a bit on Twitter following the announcement that ROH TV is coming to Destination America. MVP posted his booking information which hinted at him possibly leaving TNA, and in reference to TNA keeping talents in the dark about the ROH/DA deal he sarcastically labeled the move “classy.”

In a new Sessions video which you can watch below, MVP admits his Tweets were posted out of frustration and in reality he has no problem with ROH coming to Destination America. MVP added he was frustrated that TNA talents were left out of the loop when the ROH/DA deal was announced, and that he might have jumped to conclusions based on rumors circulating regarding TNA’s status on DA.

Furthermore, MVP added he is not leaving TNA, and his contract with the company runs until February 2016:


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