TNA Impact Wrestling Results (5/29) – New X Division Champion, Angle vs Young, May Mayhem!

Dirty Heels vs. The Wolves

This is match #2 in a best of five series with the Wolves up 1-0. Roode throws Aries through the ropes for a suicide dive to start but Davey runs inside for a dive of his own on Aries. The Wolves double team Roode inside until Austin gets back in and things settle down a bit. Edwards chops away at Aries but Austin punches him in the face, setting up a tag to Roode for chops of his own. The Heels load up what looked like a Sharpshooter but Aries gets kicked into his partner, allowing the Wolves to double team even more.

Davey puts Rode into a reverse figure four (with Roode facing the mat and Davey facing up) for a unique looking submission. The German suplex into the jackknife rollup gets two as the announcers are overhyping the heck out of this. Eddie puts Roode in a chinlock for a bit until Bobby fights up and makes the hot tag to Aries. Austin speeds things up and snaps both Wolves’ throats across the top, setting up a missile dropkick to Edwards.

There’s the Last Chancery on Davey and a Crossface to Eddie but both Wolves make the ropes. Something like Chasing the Dragon but with a Michinoku Driver instead of a brainbuster gets two on Aries but he pops right back up for the running dropkick in the corner, followed by the 450 to Eddie with Davey making the save. Another Last Chancery has Edwards in trouble but Richards comes in off the top with a double stomp for the save, setting up the powerbomb into a Backstabber to pin Austin at 11:09.

Result: Wolves b. Dirty Heels – Powerbomb into a backstabber to Aries (11:09)

Kenny King can’t get hold of MVP and wants him to call back.


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