Wrestlezone Readers Review “San Andreas” – Your Thoughts on The Rock’s Latest Action-Packed Disaster Thriller


Bill S. 

“I finally had a date nite with my wife and we decided on this movie. It was classic cheesy but the effects were actually better then 2012. There was a lot of tension throughout the movie even if overacted at times. The movie will rank as one of the better disaster movies but did have flaws. Who the heck cast [Alexandra Daddario] to play Rock’s daughter. I heard that they are close enough in age to have played his wife.”


“I saw the movie yesterday and quite honestly in my mind it was an average movie at best. The movie itself seemed way to digitized and not lifelike at all. Anyone could have played the main role and been effective I feel. I do think that the 2 British actors did a fantastic job with the characters they played. If I had to give it a grade I would say a “C”

Brett S. 

“San Andreas has been out for 2 days here so I was able to go check it out. Besides being a huge longtime Rock fan I’ll review it as an unbiased viewer. I figured that this would be your standard disaster movie but I was quite impressed. Sure, the plot is quite simple like usual but unlike others I felt myself getting emotionally involved. Dwayne is a believeable hero character, and because it centered around 5-6 people, there wasn’t multiple plots that you had to keep up with. The CGI was impressive to the point that I was remembering my visit to San Francisco after WrestleMania weekend and thinking how lucky I was that I got those good photos of me riding across the Golden Gate Bridge before it ended up in pieces. I’d give it a 6.5 out of 10 as I felt it could have went a bit longer and told more of a story.”


Jason G. 

“I saw San Andreas Friday and I thought it was stupid. The special effects were cool, the acting was awful, the plot line was awful. I was actually bored through it despite all that was going on in the movie. I usually like every movie I see, and this I thought would be the rule and not the exception. But unfortunately it stunk, 1.5 out of 5 stars.”

Empty Bottle Media 

Thanks to the folks over at Empty Bottle Media for sending in the following video review.  


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