5 Weeks of ROH TV Results *SPOILERS*: Samoa Joe Says Goodbye, 200th Episode of ROH TV, Lethal Defends the TV Title & More


(1) Matt Sydal def. Adam Page. They worked a good match, but BJ Whitmer attacked Sydal after it was over. ACH came out to make the save but also fell to the heels. Sydal took a piledriver and a ton of officials came out to check on him. 

-Veda Scott came out and cut a great heel promo about Moose failing as an NFL star, and now being a failure as a pro wrestler. She announced her new client, Cedric Alexander, would defeat Moose at ‘Death Before Dishonor’. 

(2) Will Ferrara def. Silas Young. Dalton Castle caused the distraction that led to the finish. 

(3) Jay Lethal def. Mark Briscoe to retain the ROH TV title. Another really good match. ODB came out to help Briscoe even the odds but it ultimately was too much. After the match the heels worked over the Briscoes until Roderick Strong made the save and chased them off. Strong challenged them to a 6-man tag team match for next week’s show, which is being booked as the 200th episode of ROH. ODB then took the mic and said why not make it 8 with her and Truth Martini getting involved.