WWE RAW Results (7/20) – Cena/Rollins Have Words, Lesnar/Taker Official!

Artist Rob Schamberger (!!!Rob!!!) is shown talking to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon about a Summerslam painting, when they see Paul Heyman walk in. They head right towards him and Heyman says he is just here to make a statement on Lesnar’s behalf, and he will leave. Stephanie and HHH say they don’t trust him at all, and they’ll need security and the locker room to stop anything. 

Paul Heyman comes out and talks about the Undertaker’s actions at WWE Battleground, and he says they witnessed history. He says Taker faced Brock for the first time since the streak was broken, so it all comes down to Summerslam. Heyman says Taker wants to make it personal, so Brock took Taker’s streak and now he’s going to straight kick his ass. Heyman keeps talking trash until the lights go out, then Taker shows up and Heyman tries to beg him off. Brock rushes to the ring and they start brawling, but HHH shows up and gets the roster to break them up. Brock and Taker keep slugging it out, but Brock is finally pulled up the ramp and Taker is held back. 

Seth Rollins walks in to The Authority’s office and laughs about getting both of them kicked out, and says he is glad is happened. Rollins says he had a lot to say to both of them, but he will go to the ring to say it, and Stephanie tells him to have at it.