Steve Austin Visits DDP Yoga Perf. Center, New Day Dancing .GIF Gallery, TNA’s Latest “The Question Mark”

Steve Austin Visits DDP Yoga Performance Center

Below is a tweet from DDP featuring himself, Jake Roberts and Steve Austin at his DDP Yoga Performance Center. 

Recently DDP has been bringing more wrestlers in to the DDP Yoga fold. Just last week WZ Radio featured an interview with Zach Gowan who mentioned he is also working on a project for DDP Yoga. You can listen to the full interview with Zach in the embedded player below:

The New Day Dancing Gifs

Currently has a gallery of .gifs featuring The New Day dancing in, towards and on their way to the ring. If you would care to check out these .gifs click HERE

TNA’s Latest “The Question Mark”

TNA has released their latest episode of “The Question Mark” on Youtube. It features various TNA wrestlers answering the question, “What is the best sport in the world?” 


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