ring of honor

Ring Of Honor Allstar Extravaganza VII Results – New Champion Crowned, Does Lethal Still Have Both Titles? New Number One Contender, Former ROH Star Returns

Fifth Match: Best of Five Series Match~ Matt Sydal vs. ACH 

Sydal and ACH lockup and exchange shoulder submissions. Sydal was sent to the floor, allowing ACH to hit a big leaping backwards dive over the ropes. ACH worked over Sydal, who came back to tie up ACH on the mat and try to force him to tap in a unique leg submission. ACH began walking and Sydal used a series of kicks to continue to take him apart. Sydal nailed a standing moonsault for a two count. Sydal went right back to working over the leg, adding an back bridge to add to the pressure, almost like an inverted Muta Lock.  

ACH fired back with several strikes but was nailed with an inverted facelock, allowing Sydal to nail a scissor kick across the chest.  Sydal used a series of kicks to the legs and back. Sydal nailed a chop, but ACH fired back with one of his own and then a leaping enziguiri. ACH now was in control and worked over Sydal’s upper body.  ACH nailed several kicks and went to the top. ACH dove off with a stomp off the ropes. Sydal came back with two big leaping knees to the face. Sydal ascended to the top but ACH got out of the way. ACH nailed a bodypress off the ropes for a two count. ACH nailed a brainbuster and a 450 splash for the pin.

Winner: ACH now leads the series 2-1 

Sixth Match: The Addiction (c) vs. The Young Bucks vs. The Kingdom w/Maria Kanellis in a Triple Threat Match for the ROH World Tag Team Championship 

The Bucks controlled the ring and nailed dropkicks.The Addiction caught Matt Jackson with a double powerbomb into a neckbreaker. Daniels held him in a curbstomp position for Kazarian to nail a springboard legdrop. Addiction continued tagging out and in, working over Jackson. The Kingdom tagged themselves in. Daniels was able to tag himself back in, so there was no way the Kingdom could get a victory over the Bucks. Bennett tried to interject himself in the match, but Nick Jackson superkicked him off the apron. Matt superkicked Daniels and Nick Jackson tagged in, cleaning house on everyone with superkicks. Nick Jackson mocked Daniels with an Arabian Press to the outside. Daniels went to nail one but was grabbed by Matt Jackson as he was nailing the move. Nick superkick Daniels in the head while he was hanging upside down. The Bucks cleaned house but Maria tried to get involved.

Nick Jackson nailed a flying bodypress on Daniels for a two count. Nick charged Daniels, who ducked out of the way and Kazarian attacks Nick. Daniels knock down Nick for a two count. The Addiction tried to pick apart Nick Jackson. Daniels went for Angel’s Wings but Nick Jackson rolled through with a rana and superkicked everything in sight.  Maria tried to get involved but Daniels nailed her with a right jab.  Bennett, enraged, charged Daniels and took out the referee at the same time. KRD hit the ring and laid out The Addiction. The Bucks nailed Daniels with More Bang for Your Buck but Matt Taven blind-tagged in. The Bucks nailed the Meltzer Driver on Kazarian, but Taven ran in and rolled up Matt Jackson for the victory.

Winner: New ROH World Tag Team Champions The Kingdom


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