wwe night of champions

WWE Night of Champions 2015 Results – Three New Champions Crowned, Two WWE Legends Return, Is Seth Rollins Still The WWE World Heavyweight Champion?

Third Match: The New Day (c) w/Xavier Woods vs. The Dudley Boyz for the WWE Tag Team Championship

D-Von and Kofi start off the match. Woods plays the Trombone. D-Von applies a wristlock on Kofi. Kofi with a side headlock. Kofi with a dropkick and taunts D-Von. Kofi grapples around D-Von and slaps him behind the back in the head. D-Von clothesline Kofi and lands a series of forearms in the corner. Dudley tries to double team Kofi, but Kofi escapes and heads to the outside. Big E is tag in and starts dancing. Big E taunts Bubba Ray. Bubba Ray knocks down Big E. Big E with a headlock and applying the move in the rhythm of the New Day Sucks chant. D-Von tags in and Dudleyz double team Big E with double elbows to the chest for a two count. Bubba Ray is tag backed in. Big E with a elbow. Big E goes up top and Bubba chops Big E. Bubba Ray superplexes Big E from the top rope. The other members of the New Day try to get into the action, but get knock down which leads to a distraction.

The New Day regain control of the match with a series of quick tags and stomps to Bubba Ray’s chest. Kofi with knees to Bubba’s chest. Big E is tag in and falls on Bubba chest on the ring apron. Big E with a headlock. Big E with elbow for a two count. Woods plays the Rocky Theme on the Trombone. Kofi is tagged in and taunts Bubba Ray. Bubba chops Kofi in the chest. Kofi with a headbut. Bubba with another chop. Kofi chops Bubba Ray’s chest. Bubba Ray with a full nelson bomb. Bubba tags in D-Von. D-Von with a shoulder tackle and kicks Big E in the ribs. D-Von knocks down Woods who was on the ring apron. D-Von with a flying head butt. D-Von with running shoulder tackles. Bubba Ray is tagged back in and Dudley Boyz connect with a double team neckbreaker. Dudley Boyz goes for the 3D on Kofi and connect and as they go for the pin, Woods comes into the ring and causes the disqualification. After the match New Day beat down both members of the Dudley Boyz. Big E tells Woods to get the tables. The Dudley Boyz get back up and Woods gets sent through a table as The Dudley Boyz connect with the 3D. 

Winner: The Dudley Boyz by DQ, but still WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day 


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