WWE RAW Results (9/28): Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt, John Cena Restarts The U.S. Title Open Challenge!

Big Show vs Mark Henry

Henry and Show lock up and Henry tries to slam Show. Henry can’t get Show off the ground. Show hits the ropes and spears Henry almost out of his boots. Show picks up Henry for three body slams. Henry is screaming as if he is dying. Henry struggles to get to his feet, but Show kicks him in the face. Show pulls down his straps and knocks Henry out cold with the WMD for the win.

Winner- Big Show

Miz TV-

The Miz recaps the turmoil between Team PCB. Charlotte and Becky Lynch join Miz in the ring. This is not going to shock anyone one, but Miz says something stupid and Lynch threatens to slap the scarf off his head. Charlotte stands up and asks Paige to come to the ring. Miz gets upset but before he can finish his sentence, Lynch grabs Miz’s mic and tosses it out of the ring.

The Bella’s music hits and Nikki, Brie, and Alicia come to the ring. Charlotte tells Nikki to come to the ring so she can make her tap out like she did at Night of Champions. Nikki puts herself over as the person who really started the Diva Revolution. Charlotte says the fans are the ones who are really responsible for the Divas revolution. Paige comes out and runs down Charlotte and Lynch. Nikki tells Charlotte that with friends like these you don’t need enemies. Paige retorts, “ Yeah and with boyfriends like yours, who really needs ambition.”

A huge brawl breaks out. Team Bella ends up on the outside of the ring, while the former team PCB stands tall in the ring.

Director of Operations Kane turns this into a six-woman tag match.