Ethan Carter III Talks BFG, Succeeding After WWE, Drew Galloway, Which Historical Figure Inspires Him?

ec3As noted, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Ethan Carter III was a recent guest on the Between The Ropes podcast while promoting this weekend’s TNA Bound For Glory pay-per-view. 

Carter talks about the whole experience of winning the championship, how it’s validated him, about his BFG opponent, Drew Galloway, and much more. You can read a few excerpts below; Click here to listen to the audio portion of the show. 

Ethan Carter III Comments on the night of his title win: 

It was a nice moment with my mom and dad who have supported me through the tireless journey of this when they should have told me to get a real job a lot more times. But they didn’t, they kept supporting me and really bailed me out of a couple jams. To reach that moment with them there, can’t do worse than that. As far as what else happened that evening, probably a ton of booze, I bought a few select people some cigars, we had a big cigar fest and just pouring Jameson down each other’s throats. The next thing you know you wake up, you’re not alone, you’re sitting there with your world heavyweight title alone.

On posting a Teddy Roosevelt quote the night of his win:

I like a good quote, I’m not going to lie to you. Yeah, Teddy Roosevelt is my man for inspiration with his attitude and perseverance through a lot of things. It’s hard pressed to find a better American role model than Teddy Roosevelt. It’s a great quote, it inspires to … you don’t let critics, you don’t let people bring you down. You find your way. You stay in the game and keep going and, hey, sometimes it works out. (laughs)

EC3 Comments On His WWE Release, If It Was A Good Thing: 

If you look at it like it was easy and everybody can do it, yeah, you look at a lot of guys who are hand-picked and gifted opportunities and they’ve never struggled or strived to earn them so they kind of flounder. Being released, was it a good thing that happened to me? It was probably the best thing that happened to me in my career. It was at a weird time in the company and I think the power was changing. If I did stay on in some role on the WWE main roster I would probably be a lost mid-carder, just miserable every day. No matter how hard I try. It turned out to be the best thing that could happen to me because I had this opportunity to come over here, be given the ball, run with it, show who I am.

EC3 On His Opponent, Drew Galloway, Succeeding After Leaving WWE: 

Yeah, I think Drew Galloway is another example. We talk about that chip on my shoulder, he’s slightly taller so it’s a little higher up but there’s a chip up there. He’s a phenomenal talent. He’s a blue chip prospect if you look at him. What happened with him over there, who knows. We’re not the first good guys, talented guys to be released and we won’t be the last. But it is a business and you find your opportunities where you can. Drew Galloway has a chance on October 4th on pay-per-view to show exactly who he is. And this will also be the first time I’ll be main-eventing a pay-per-view so there’s a lot at stake between the both of us.

EC3 also comments on the positives and negatives of social media and the internet for wrestlers, Kurt Angle not re-signing a TNA deal, the Destination America contract situation, and much more. Click here for the full interview.