WWE MSG Live Special Results (10/3): Cena Retains In A Physical Steel Cage Match, Demon Kane Appears, Big Show Goes To Suplex City

Third Match: The Bella Twins & Alicia Fox vs. Team PCB 

Lynch and Fox start off the match. Lynch with a armdrag take down. Lynch with a bodyslam and three leg drops. Lynch tags in Paige. Paige whips Fox to the corner. Paige with knees to Fox ribs. Paige with a stomp to Fox chest for a one count. Paige chomps Fox. Paige tags in Lynch. Fox tags in Brie. Brie with a kick to Lynch’s ribs. Lynch with a suplex that sends Brie to the outside. Brie tags in Nikki as Lynch comes back into the ring. Nikki works on Lynch ribs and tags in Fox. Fox with a suplex for a two count. Fox tags in Brie. Brie with right hands to Lynch chest. Brie with a headlock. Brie with a running knee to Lynch face for a two count.

Brie tags in Nikki. Nikki knocks Charlotte off the ring apron. Lynch comes from behind and rolls up Nikki for a one count and tags in Charlotte. Charlotte chops Nikki. Charlotte gives her a neckbreaker. Charlotte with a spear to Nikki. Charlotte goes for the Figure Eight and Paige tags herself in. Paige and Charlotte argue. Paige gets droped by a back elbow from Nikki. Nikki tags in Fox. Fox with a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Fox with a headlock. Fox tags in Nikki. Nikki with a headlock to Paige. Paige goes for the tag and both Charlotte and Lynch jump off the ring apron. Nikki comes from behind with the Rack Attack to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Bella Twins & Alicia Fox 

Paige Promo: 

Paige said that she couldn’t believe that her teammates would leave her like that. Paige said that they were best friends. Paige said that she would never do that to her teammates. Paige said that she doesn’t know how she will ever forgive Becky and Charlotte. Paige drops the mic and walks away. 


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