TNA Star Gets Role in New John Singleton Film, WWE Canvas 2 Canvas: The King of Kings slams on to canvas, Sami Zayn Appears at EVOLVE 49 (Video)

TNA Star in Gets Role in Movie

Source: PWInsider

TNA star Jesse Godderz has gotten a new role in the new John Singleton film “Snowfall.” Singleton is most known for directing the movies “Boyz N The Hood” and “2 Fast 2 Furios.” Godderz will be playing the role of Lighting Rod, who is a wrestler. “Snowfall” will be released on FX next year. 

WWE Canvas 2 Canvas

WWE has released a new Canvas 2 Canvas featuring the King of Kings, Triple H. You can see the description and video below:

Artist Rob Schamberger recreates Triple H’s electrifying Terminator entrance at WrestleMania 31. 

Sami Zayn Appears at EVOLVE 49

Sami Zayn appeared at EVOLVE 49 and has released video of Zayn at the event. In the video Zayn prasies Johnny Gargano and said there is big things to come for EVOLVE and NXT. You can see the video below:


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