WWE RAW Results (11/2): Team Rollins vs Team Reigns Elimination Match, A New Divas Title #1 Contender Crowned, More!

After a short commercial break Owens is still working over Ziggler’s knee. Breeze and Summer are seated in the V.I.P. section next to the announce table. Owens synchs in a rear chin lock, but Ziggler is able to get to his feet and hit a jawbreaker. Neckbreaker by Ziggler, followed by an elbow drop. Owens kicks out at two. Two roll ups by Ziggler end in two very close near falls. Owens German suplexs Ziggler. Owens sets up for the cannonball in the corner, but Ziggler superkicks Owens. Breeze decides to pose with his selfie-stick by the ring apron. Ziggler takes a swipe at him, but Breeze ducks. Ziggler turns around and walks right into an Owens popup powerbomb for the win.

Winner-Kevin Owens

After the match Breeze tries to take a selfie with the fallen Ziggler. Ziggler punches Breeze in the face. Ziggler gets to his feet, but Breeze send him back to the mat after the beauty shot. Breeze and Summer then take a selfie with Ziggler’s lifeless body.

As Owens is walking in the back. Rollins walks up to him and tells him he had a great match. Rollins says that at WrestleMania it should be champion vs champion. Owens says he likes the sound of that. Rollins says Owens just needs to be on his team later tonight. Owens says he is in, but Rollins better not forget that he owes him a favor.