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Variety Pans the New Randy Orton WWE Studios Movie, WWE to Kick Off “Undertaker Week” on the Network Next Monday

WWE Kicking Off Undertaker Week on the Network Next Week

randy ortonWWE Network will be kicking of “Undertaker Week” beginning Monday, November 16th. WWE will be announcing full content details soon.

Variety Pans the New Randy Orton WWE Studios Movie

Film critic Dennis Harvey of Variety has posted the following review of “The Condemned 2”, the latest WWE Studios movie featuring Randy Orton:

“People die and stuff blows up in “The Condemned 2,” a belated, barely related sequel generic enough to make the eminently forgettable 2007 original look like an oasis of cinematic personality. Sneaked into a handful of theaters nationwide simultaneous with its VOD launch on Nov. 6, this latest effort in the less-than-stellar annals of WWE Studios feature filmmaking will satisfy the target audience’s basic expectations for bombastic action in home formats — though even they are unlikely to be impressed.”


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