Chair Shot Reality Executive Producer Reflects On Show Reaching 300 Episodes, The Good, The Bad & More

chair shot realityThis week will be the 300th episode produced of Chair Shot Reality. It will feature the regular cast of Justin LaBar, Josh Isenberg and Brian Gulish. Special guests in studio include Noelle Foley and Frank “The Clown.”

You can see the entire filming live on WZ’s Periscope Thursday at 4pm. The individual videos will begin posting Friday on WZ. The entire show is presented by

LaBar posted a blog on looking back at the last 300 weeks. Here’s a sample:

300 weeks ago my Chair Shot Reality filming prep would involve a bullet point of topics, moving some furniture around to make the right space and trying to not burn the place down with an overly hot theater light (that Josh Isenberg borrowed/stole from a church of all places) that had no business being plugged in near the curtains of my apartment.

300 weeks later, prep involves the topics discussed, balancing what sets we’re going to use between virtual set which requires more extensive set up for the cameras and the physical set. When do we use which ones as the virtual is only able to have two people on it at a time. Balancing the 8 person crew  with their personalities and roles. Balancing arrival pick ups at the airport, hotel check ins and getting guests who plan to attend the taping on the security list for the building where the studio is at. Balancing the planning of extra clips that can be posted to

Chair Shot Reality has come a long way in 300 episodes and it’s because of the continued growing support the viewing audience has given us. Every city for wrestling we promote we’re going to be in the support that comes out out to our promotional events or that we run into walking down the street who yell “CSR.” The fact we have people who have bid to sit with us and take part in enjoying WrestleMania weekend with us in our fan experience we do annually. We’ve made so many friends through the years who are fans of the show and gotten involved with us in some way. The fact we were able to make a new family of friends off of giving support and memorable experience to a great fan who was battling cancer…and who did kick its ass and beat it!! CSR belongs to each of you as much as it belongs to me.

Even those who use CSR as nothing more than there whipping post behind a screen name online. While I don’t appreciate or some of the things said are inaccurate coming from people not involved at our filming ― the talking about the show or watching just to be negative still ultimately results in a positive for us. By the way, I know I’ve gained weight and Josh has lost it since we started 6 years ago!! You have to remember, I was 21 when the show started. You guys have watched me get older in front of you every week. The regular viewers have seen more of me than my own family who lives in another state has of me in these years.Weight gets gained and hair gets lost. But if you would have known me personally 6 years ago, you’ll know I was too skinny…I prefer to think I’ve filled out!!

While on the topics of comments made, I have to acknowledge and answer to those who have ever complained about it on the always entertaining comment board below our videos on WrestleZone…I’m sorry if you’re mad at any comment you’ve ever written that’s gotten deleted. However, I have nothing to do or say on that as I’m not involved in the comment moderation. Say what you want to say, there’s nothing I haven’t heard in my 6 years on the Internet wrestling platform. You have to remember WrestleZone is run by Crave Media which has certain standards and policies of what kind of comments or language they are OK with sitting on those boards and have moderators who attend to that.

Back to the positives…this show has had a lot of different set looks with the filming locations, formatting, opening video and more. I’ve been present for the production of every episode ever and it’s amazing to think of the evolution, some of it in behind the scenes aspects the fans never see.

The rest of the blog talks the purpose of the show, more of the growth and this week’s 300th episode. CLICK HERE to read.


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