WWE Tribute To The Troops 2015 Results (12/23) – 16 Man Tag Team Match, Boot Camp Match, Celebrity Shoutouts

Actor/Comedian Howie Mandel from Deal or No Deal & America’s Got Talent comes out and performs a standup act. Little known fact Mandel was a amateur wrestler in high school. 

Fourth Match: Paige & Team BAD vs. Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Team Bella (Brie Bella & Alicia Fox)

Naomi and Charlotte start things off. Charlotte with a armdrag to Naomi. Naomi bounces Charlotte head off the top turnbuckle. Charlotte with chops to the chest of Naomi. Charlotte with a knee drop and tags in Brie. Brie with kicks to the chest of Naomi. Brie with a running dropkick. Tamina tags herself in and clothesline Brie for a two count. Tamia tags in Banks. Banks with boots to the chest of Brie in the corner. Banks drag Brie back to the corner and tags in Paige. Paige with a running knee to Brie for a two count.

Paige irish whips Brie to the corner and tags in Naomi. Brie with right hands to Naomi. Brie sends Naomi face first to the top turnbuckle. Naomi tags in Tamina and tries to creates separation, but Brie with a dropkick and tags in Lynch. Tamina sends Lynch onto the ring apron. Lynch with a flying dropkick to Tamina for a two count. Charlotte with a spear to Naomi. Paige superkicks Charlotte. Fox with a big boot to Paige. Tamina tags in Banks. Banks knocks Lynch off the ring apron. Banks with the Bank Statement and Fox taps out. 

Winner: Paige & Team BAD via Submission 

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