The Young Bucks & Kenny Omega On Being The Elite Of The Bullet Club & What Their 2016 Goals Are

EliteHaminEarlier this week WrestleZone Radio presented an audio tribute to 2CW. 2CW presented their final show on 12.20.15 in Syracuse, NY.

Photos and Video: Kevin Owens and More at the Final 2CW Events in New York

The tribute contains a wide range of interviews with some of the best pro wrestlers in the world conducted by WrestleZone Radio personality Bin Hamin (aka Ben Duerr) backstage at 2CW’s final show.

The full list of guests as well as the time stamp they appear in the episode is listed below. There is a brief forward from WrestleZone Daily’s Nick Hausman at the very beginning:

2:44- AR Fox
9:31- The Young Bucks & Kenny Omega
14:47- Cherry Bomb
18:11- Colin Delaney
24:12- Dalton Castle
29:35- Eddie Edwards
32:55- Matt Hardy
39:12- Sami Callihan
51:03- 2CW’s Theme Song performed by Rated R

You can find the full audio tribute as well as some transcribed quotes from The Young Bucks & Kenny Omega below:

On the success The Bullet Club has had in 2015:

NJ: We aren’t just The Bullet Club anymore. We are the elite. 

KO: You can catch The Bullet Club on almost every show on New Japan World but when the elite, the guys that everyone wants to see on a worldwide level, on a worldwide scale. When they leave Japan those are the guys that are in high demand. Those are the guys that everyone wants to see and those are the guys that put on a performance like what you saw today. 

MJ: We are the people that people want to pay $50 to take a photo with, right? 

NJ: The Bullet Club is cool and all, we are friends with all of them but… for God’s sakes, everyone knows who the best ones of the group are. 

KO: I mean, it’s just become so obvious. It’s not even a tongue and cheek joke anymore. It’s just, we’ve blown it way out of proportion. Everybody knows. It speaks volumes that our merch sales, the shear volume of our bookings. 

MJ: Speaking of merch sales, let me get this off my back real quick. I just got that email that we are killing it on Pro Wrestling Tees. That’s a quantity of ten right there. There’s another quantity of ten. 

NJ: Besides that we are just happy to have a killer match tonight at 2CW. I just want to say thanks to Josh even tho he choke slammed me to hell and he speared Kenny Omega straight to hell. 

On who The Young Bucks are going after in 2016:

MJ: We are going after your wallet. We want to sell some t-shirts. We want to win some championship belts. We want to sell some PPVs. That’s what we do for a living. We rock babies and kiss them. For us, it’s a Superkick Party. 

NJ: The Elite is just going to make more money. We are looking at you marks. If you want to give us designs for t-shirts we are looking for them. We are always looking for new art. New .jpegs. We want them and we will make t-shirts and people will buy your own designs that you made us. 

KO: Everybody knows who we are. Everybody knows our brand but we are going to kind of take it and put a different spin on it this year. Everybody knows us as The Bullet Club. Yeah, it’s cool to say we are The Bullet Club, it’s cool to Too Sweet, it’s cool to say, “Suck it!” We are still going to do that but guys, from here on in, we will be The Elite. So, in 2016 look for very, very big things. As best as we can you are going to see a lot more of The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega.

You can listen to the full archives of WrestleZone Radio interviews, including the interview we just released with Karen Jarrett, in the embedded audio player below:


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