Kenn Doane On His Recent Feature, Winning a WWE Awarded Scholarship, Changes in WWE Leadership, The Spirit Squad & More

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The Greatest Story Ever: DX vs. The Spirit Squad: It’s All About MITCH:

Kenn Doane On How The Spirit Squad Pushed Their Way Onto WWE RAW:

The recent article published by WWE on what Kenn has done since leaving the company:

When I saw it,  I was nervous leading up to it because you never know. What if they spin it in a bad direction or who knows. When it came out I was so nervous and I didn’t tell anybody about it because in case it has a bad spin than I am not telling anybody. But when I read it I said WOW this is really good and exactly what we talked about. Not like I am going to get a Bret Hart “screw-job” here but you just never know and you can never be too sure.

Could the interview lead to a return to the company:

When I left I kind of knew it was coming. I had just come off tearing my knee and they had moved me from one to show to the next show and those are tell-tale signs and when you end up working dark matches against new guys from developmental it’s just kind of like a process that happens. With the interview, there is more to this life than just wrestling. If you don’t watch wrestling for one month your life is not going to change. The interview had come up because I had been chosen to receive a scholarship award and before I had left WWE I had made it a point to go to John Laurinaitis and Hunter and Stephanie and I said I appreciate what you do to help people who need it like with rehab stuff but what about people that are doing the right thing and want to go to college. When it finally came up last year I thought I was totally going to get it since I kind of sparked the idea and they didn’t choose me. So this year I had to write an essay and fill out an application and I thought they aren’t going to choose me and I got an email saying that I had got it. So they like me now (laughs) who knows. You never know. I never disliked them, we always love each other. It’s a love/hate relationship. We are like brothers and sisters.

Still being so young and being a “veteran”:

I have fans that come up to me and ask me why did I leave? I say it wasn’t my choice and that I said hey, I think I’m leaving today. I have sixteen years’ experience, I’m only 29 years old and even if I was on the roster now I’d be one of the younger guys there and at the same time I’d be one of the most experienced guys there. It’s a weird combination. It’s not like I am fat now and I’m out of shape.

Changes in power leading to changes at WWE:

I think it does have to do with the leadership thing. I know Hunter is very big on protecting the “boys” and not to say Vince was a bad leader. Vince was great and built it to what it is. I guess he was always on the business side of things and was never one of the workers so I guess Hunter knows what it is like to be a worker and build yourself up to that level. But he probably doesn’t know what it is like to be released from WWE and go and do your own thing. But I am sure he can still relate to it in some aspect. Looking out for everyone I would say is more on him but I also think it has a lot to do with developmental and the leadership there. In Louisville, Danny Davis, Jim Cornette and Paul Heyman, Al Snow and Tommy Dreamer and Bill Demott would stress this is not a long term gig. Enjoy it now, save your money and what you can because eventually it’s going to end and they would say everyone is going to get fired at some point in their life or career. Granted, you might think looking at it now and some people do think but nobody lasts forever and everybody will get fired.

The Aggressiveness Of The Spirit Squad Making It Onto WWE TV:

Eventually The Spirit Squad started coming about and they started liking it. They flew us into one of the Carolinas and they weren’t sure about it then. So we all came up with this idea that we are going to wait in Vince’s office and when he comes in we are going to blow the air horn in his face and do a cheer. We thought you either going to get fired or it will work. We don’t want to be in developmental so he was stuck in the production meeting for quite a while so we said let’s find him and break in. So we bust into the production meeting and blow the air horn, we did a big cheer and we just kind of stopped in our position and Vince looked up and he said “great, you will be on RAW next week.”

This is a CAN’T MISS TWO HOUR INTERVIEW with Kenn Doane and everything is covered including his “heat”with John Cena and Mickie James, working with Punk in OVW, being and not being a Paul Heyman guy, The Entire run as Kenny and all of the major feuds of the Spirit Squad, the switch to Kenny Dykstra, TNA’s terrible pitch to sign him and much much more.

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