tna one night only

TNA One Night Only PPV Results (1/8): Angle and Galloway Team Up, New Knockouts #1 Contender, Mike Bennett Debuts and More

Jade is the last to be eliminated making the match Madison Rayne vs Awesome Kong in a singles match.

Kong eventually hits her finisher to score the pinfall victory.

Winner and new #1 Contender to the TNA Knockouts Title: Awesome Kong

Pepper Parks vs Trevor Lee:

This was the most offensively back and forth match we have seen tonight, with both men pulling off an array of power moves and fast paced offense.

The finish of the match saw Parks hit a big Sky High, but Lee kicked out at 2. Lee then fought back, hit a double foot stomp, then nailed a big Fisherman’s Buster into the pin fall.

Winner: Trevor Lee

Up next The Pope is in the ring and he introduces Grado.

The Pope goes on to insult Grado, and tells him that he basically comes off as a joke. He then asks Grado if he’s ready to be in TNA, and if he is ready to accept any challenge. Grado says he is ready which leads to Abyss’ music hitting.


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