bret hart

Favorite Bret Hart Matches, CSR Personality Recalls Being In Ring With Bret & Comments From American Cancer Society Representative

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This Social Media Saturday segment on Chair Shot Reality is all about Bret Hart. The guys talk their favorite matches and moments of Hart’s. 

On favorite matches:

Josh Isenberg:

The moment that always stuck out to me, maybe because it was one of his best moments in WCW and there wasn’t many there, is March 29th 1999, Bret Hart comes out and drops a pipe bomb before CM Punk ever knew what a pipe bomb was. He talked about backstage politics in WCW and called out Bill Goldberg and got in his face. Had Toronto Maple Leafs jersey on looking more badass than I’ve ever seen with jean shorts on, and trust me I know my men in jean shorts, Goldberg spears him and they both fall. You’re wondering what’s going on and the Canadian crowd behind the Hitman and he takes off his shirt to reveal a metal plate. That tells me that two years after his biggest controversy of his career that he still had it.

Brian Gulish:

Two matches agains One man, Chris Benoit—the two matches they had, the Owen Hart tribute and the WCW Mayhem pay-per-view for the championship. Those are tow matches you don’t understand how good they were. Imagine if WCW had those two guys from 1993 to whenever, maybe they would still be around? That’s what WCW should have been about not 57 members of the NWO and terrible politics backstage.

Justin LaBar then talks about his favorite match of Bret Hart’s before going into a favorite moment that’s personal to him:

Moment wise, selfishly I had the fortunate experience a couple years ago at our Night of Superstars show for IWC Wrestling few hours north of Pittsburgh, I was managing RJ City who was going up against British Bulldog Jr and Bret was managing him so Bret was my counterpart in the match. We were in the ring cutting a promo and that Bret Hart electric guitar at the start of his music—when that hit I finally knew what it meant when people talk about those moments when a crowd just erupts and you’re part of it, for the little kid in me it was a moment.

Video is shown of this moment. The segment ends with Brian Gulish who works for the American Cancer Society talking about Bret’s cancer as well as interesting facts and statistics. Watch the full video below:



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