daniel bryan
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Nigel McGuinness Talks Daniel Bryan’s Retirement, MSG Network Airing WrestleMania Special, WWE Network Subscriber News

WWE Network Subscriber News

Vince McMahon revealed during today’s investors call that the next WWE Network subscriber count will be revealed the day after WrestleMania 32.

Nigel McGuinness Talks Daniel Bryan’s Retirement

The official Ring of Honor website has released the following, which is an excerpt from Nigel McGuinness’ forthcoming book, “Bumping Monkeys”:

By the spring of 2006 I had a solid reputation within the company, developing a harder hitting style, while booker Gabe Sapolsky had brilliantly booked my run as the Pure Champion. I first wrestled Dragon in Cleveland. It was only supposed to be a one-off match. But I realized on that night what I’d felt intrinsically that first moment I’d seen him in the locker room – we had an unmistakable chemistry together.  You can call it premonition, clairvoyance, I don’t know. But it was undeniable.

Dragon got the best out of everyone. He never had a bad match; most were outstanding. Like Kurt Angle after him, he had an innate ability to take what I brought to the table and make the perfect match out of it. Because of the success of our first match, Gabe booked us together perfectly in a program that led to a big match in my home country, in August of that year, on the first solely ROH show ever in that country: In the main event, with both his World title and my Pure title on the line.

It would certainly be fitting to call the match epic. I’d thought about it for months beforehand, every angle, every possibility. The crowd that night was electric and as the match progressed, it drew everyone in. Late in the match I got busted open on the ring post, and nearly counted out. The emotion from the crowd when I rolled in at the last second was one of the most visceral, authentic, reactions I ever felt, and I struggle to describe in words. Jimmy Rave, watching in the wings of that old theater in Liverpool, told me afterwards it was the single biggest reaction he’d ever heard from a live crowd. Fists shaking with rage, we clashed in one more exchange before he finally ended the match with elbows.

We had more matches for ROH, including my last ever one for the company. We got to travel the world wrestling in Japan, Australia and all over the US. We became friends outside the ring too, sharing more than just a common interest in wrestling. We argued over philosophical questions like whose feet were better looking, whether dogs were more intelligent than humans, and whether clam-digging was a worthwhile pastime.

After we left ROH our lives went in very different directions and for a long time we lost touch. Just recently, however, we reconnected and even if it is the only time, I will be glad of it, and just as glad of everything else we shared, both inside the ring and out.

MSG Network Airing WrestleMania Special

At 10:30pm EST tomorrow night, The MSG Network will air a WrestleMania special as part of its “Defining Moments” series. The show will specifically cover WrestleMania 1, and will air immediately after the New York Rangers game.

Below are some preview videos for the special:


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