WWE SmackDown Results (3/10) – Sami Zayn on Miz TV, Why Jericho Why ?, Ambrose Goes Wyatt Hunting

Golden Truth Backstage Segment: 

Goldust in the bathroom looking for toilet paper. Goldust asks if anybody can help a brother out? R-Truth appears says that he has a helping hand. Goldust says that he needs toilet paper. R-Truth says that Golden Truth is about being there for each other. Truth says that he has what Goldust needs and Goldust likewise has what Truth needs. Goldust continues to decline Truth’s offer to become tag team partners. Truth holds his noise and runs out of the bathroom. 

Second Match: Brie Bella vs. Summer Rae 

Lana joins the commentary table. Summer drags Brie to the rope. Summer sends Brie to the outside. Summer with a irish whips that sends Brie back first to the barricade. Summer rolls Brie back into the ring. Summer goes for the pin and Brie kicks out at two. Summer with a modified cobra clutch to Brie. Brie with back elbows to Summer. Summer with a knee to the mid section of Brie.

Summer stomps on Brie chest in the corner. Brie connects with the Missile Dropkick to Summer. Brie lands a series of Yes Kick’s. Brie with a running dropkick to Summer. Summer with a Guillotine DDT to Brie. Brie rolls Summer for a two count. Brie gets Summer in the Yes Lock and Summer taps out. After the match Lana mocks Brie’s YES! Chants. Summer tries to attack Brie from behind, but Brie counters with a forearm to Summer. Brie with the running knee to the face of Summer. Lana with the Bella Buster to Brie. Lana does the YES! Chants while Summer looks confused. 

Winner: Brie Bella via Submission 


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