WWE SmackDown Results (4/21) – Ambrose & Zayn Teams Up, Styles vs Miz, What’s Anderson & Gallows Agenda ?

First Match: Kalisto vs. Ryback 

Ryback immediately attacks Kalisto as the bell rings. Ryback bodyslams Kalisto. Ryback launches Kalisto to the other side of the ring. Ryback drops Kalisto with a shoulder tackle. Ryback applies a wrist lock and lands a shoulder block. Ryback slaps Kalisto in the face. Ryback continues to maul Kalisto. Kalisto with a series of side kicks to Ryback. Ryback with a military press slam to Kalisto. Ryback sends Kalisto crashing shoulder first to the steel ring post. Ryback puts Kalisto on the top rope. Kalisto with a series of right hands to the ribs of Ryback. Ryback presses Kalisto in the air and connects with a delayed vertical superplex for a two count. Ryback gets Kalisto in the tree of woe.

Ryback stomps on Kalisto gut in the corner. Kalisto sends Ryback shoulder first to the steel ring post. Kalisto with a dropkick to Ryback. Kalisto connects with a basement dropkick and a springboard corkscrew splash to Ryback. Kalisto with the spike hurricanrana for a two count. Kalisto goes for the Salida Del Sol, but Ryback counters with the Meat Hook Clothesline. Ryback goes for the Shell Shock, but Kalisto counters with a DDT. Kalisto goes for the pin, but Ryback kicks out at the count of two. Kalisto goes for flying crossbody, but Ryback catches Kalisto in mid-air. Kalisto gets back on his feet and plants Ryback with the spinning heel kick. Kalisto goes for the Salida Del Sol again, but Ryback counters with the Shell Shock to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Ryback 


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