
WWE NXT Results (4/27): Finn Bálor vs Samoa Joe Highlights, Shinsuke Nakamura in Action!

Carmella vs Aliyah

Aliyah tries to snap mare Carmella, but Carmella front flips out of it. Aliyah tries to sweep Carmella’s leg, but Carmella jumps over it and moonwalks away. Carmella tries to slam Aliyah, but Aliyah reveres and slams Carmella. Aliyah locks in a full nelson. Carmella spins out of it into a pin fall attempt. Aliyah body blocks Carmella in the corner, then lands a top rope leg drop for another near fall. Carmella surprises Aliyah with a Thez press followed by a hurricanrana out of the corner. Bronco buster by Carmella. Carmella locks in her leg scissor submission. Aliyah has no choice but to tap out.

Winner- Carmella

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Elias Samson

Samson forces Nakamura into the ropes. The referee breaks it up. Nakamura destroys Samson with a jumping knee. Good vibrations in the corner by Nakamura. Samson explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Nakamura hits a forearm, but Samson tosses Nakamura across the ring with a snap suplex for a two count. Samson grabs a side headlock. Nakamura manages to get his foot on the ropes. Nakamura hits is double enziguri. Nakamura sets Samson on the top rope and hits a running knee. Nakamura follows that with an inverted exploder suplex. Nakamura almost beheads Samson with the Kinshasa for the win.

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura

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