John Cena Rocks a Pants Suit as Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton at Tonight’s Teen Choice Awards

(Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)
(Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)

Well, you can officially add this to the list of things you never knew you wanted in your life… 15-time WWE Champ John Cena paints-suited-up tonight, appearing as presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards, where he is hosting alongside Victoria Justice.

Cena and Justice did a segment as Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump, respectively, alongside comedian Keegan-Michael Key who was doing his best dressed-down President Obama. The trio was promoting the first ever Teen Choice Presidential Election where the typically underage fans get to vote on the next POTUS. Because, you know… that needed to be a thing. 


The POTUS is here! John Cena as Hillary Clinton at tonight’s #teenchoiceawards. And yes that is Victoria Justice as Trump.

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