Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (10/24): Women’s Title Contract Signing, Lesnar Responds to Goldberg, Triple Threat Main Event, Final Hell in a Cell Hype!

Backstage, Stephanie stops Rollins and tell shim that Jericho is looking for him. Rollins says she is only concerned with the list because she wants to make sure it turns into a handicap match tonight. He left Jericho’s list in the locker room.

Karl Anderson w/Doc Gallows vs Enzo Amore w/Big Cass

As Amore tries to go through his normal bit Gallows and Anderson cut his mic. Amore does his shtick without the mic and the crowd follows along. Anderson kicks Amore in the gut, before trapping him in the corner.  Amore reverses it and lands a few strikes of his own. Amore goes up top, but when he dives off Anderson catches him and flattens him with a spine buster.

After a short break, Anderson hits two leaping kicks to Amore’s head. Anderson hits a sick kick for a two count. Amore trips Anderson into the corner. Amore hits a cross body, Anderson trips Amore into the corner. The Referee gets distracted by Gallows. Big Cass big boots Anderson through the ropes. Amore manages to get the pin.

Winner- Enzo Amore