wwe broadcaster

WWE Network Adds Over 100 Episode of Classic Smackdown, WWE Themed Chocolate Bars Arrive at FYE Stores

Smackdown & More Arrive on WWE Network

The WWE Network has added over 100 episodes of classic WWE Smackdown content from 2004 and 2005. Fans may recall this as the era of JBL’s WWE Championship reign and battle with all-time greats like Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle, plus the 5th anniversary of Smackdown, the rise of John Cena and more.

The Network has also added two new collections, “The Best of Stone Cold vs. Mr. McMahon” and “Randy Savage: Cream of the Crop”.

FYE Adds New WWE Themed Chocolate Bars

Check out your local FYE store to pick up one of the new, exclusive WWE themed chocolate bars, now being sold. Why they needed five different basic milk chocolate bars is a mystery, but at least there’s Finn Balor Chipotle Dark Chocolate, and John Cena “C Salt Caramel” bars. And while you’re at FYE, see if they’re still selling Booty O’s cereal – we’re running low.


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