Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (11/14): Team Raw and Team Smackdown Go Face to Face, Final Hype for Survivor Series!

Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens vs Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro and Reigns kick off the match. Reigns grabs a side headlock. Cesaro stuns Reigns with a dropkick. Reigns retreats tot he corner. Cesaro charges, but Reigns gets his boot up. Reigns floors Cesaro with a leaping clothesline. Reigns tries to tag in Owens but Owens refused the tag. Cesaro and Sheamus take turns beating down Reigns. Cesaro lands multiple European uppercuts. Sheamus tags himself in. Cesaro whips Reigns into the ropes and Sheamus catches him with a diving battering ram from the outside. Reigns dumps Sheamus over the tope rope. Cesaro dumps Reigns to the outside. Owens gets in Reigns face for screwing up. Cesaro dives over the top with a corkscrew pluncha onto Owens and Reigns.

After a short break, Owens is working over Cesaro. Owens dives off the second rope and destroys Cesaro with a tornado DDT. Owens’ mocks Reigns before hitting the cannonball on Cesaro. Cesaro tags in Sheamus, who hits a high knee, followed by the ten beats of the Bodhren. Owens sends Sheamus over the top rope. Owens blind tags in Reigns. Sheamus pulls Reigns off the apron. Reigns whips Sheamus into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Reigns lands multiple clotheslines in the corner to Sheamus. Reigns hits the Superman punch on Sheamus, but Cesaro breaks up the pin. Reigns hits the Superman punch on Cesaro. Reigns calls for the Spear, but Owens tags himself in. Reigns and Owens argue. Sheamus Brogue kicks Owens. Reigns Spears Sheamus. Reigns grabs Owens and drags him on top of Sheamus for the win.

Winners- Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens

Anyone else smell a Roman Reigns vs Kevin Owens feud brewing? The real question is does anyone want to actually see that happen? If it does- spoiler alert: Owens days as champion are numbered.