Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (12/12): The New Day Defend the Tag Titles Twice, Did They Make History Tonight?

wwe-raw-2016-coverageWWE RAW Results
December 12th, 2016
Report By Lovell Porter for

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On the way to the ring, New Day put over the fact that they are going to tie Demolition if the successfully defend the tag titles tonight.

RAW Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match: The New Day (C) vs The Club vs Sheamus and Cesaro

Cesaro and Kingston lock up. Kingston attempts an arm drag, but Cesaro cartwheels out of it. Cesaro launches a clothesline, but Kingston backflips through the contact. Kingston hops to the top rope and cross body blocks Cesaro. Cesaro picks up Kingston and hits a struggle vertical suplex. Cesaro tags in Sheamus, who crushes Kingston in the corner. Sheamus mounts the top rope and hits a diving axe handle onto Kingston for a two count. Sheamus picks up Kingston, but Kingston wiggles out of the slam attempt. Kingston dropkicks Sheamus into the corner. Big E. shoulder blocks Sheamus in the corner. Kingston hits a modified poetry in motion on Sheamus. Anderson tags himself in. Anderson and Gallow double team Kingston.

After a short break, Anderson is working a rear chin lock on Kingston. Kingston fights out of it, but Anderson floors him with an elbow. Anderson tags in Gallows. Anderson and Gallows hit a back breaker leg drop on Kingston. Big E. breaks up the pin, but Anderson and Gallows pick him up nd hit an assisted backdrop/neck breaker. Gallows tries to suplex Kingston, but Kingston reverse it and hits a second rope dropkick. Sheamus tags in and hits the ten beats of the bodhran on Gallows.  Big E breaks up the pin. Gallows and Anderson hit the Boot of Doom on Sheamus. Cesaro comes out of nowhere and breaks up the pin. Sheamus tags in Cesaro. Cesaro springboard European uppercuts Anderson.



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