Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (12/19): The Boss Attacked, Huge Tag Team Main Event, All of the Fallout from WWE Roadblock!

Nia Jax comes to the ring instead of Charlotte. Jax tells Banks that she will never be the boss to her. Banks is weak, and she is just a little girl. Jax kicks the crutch from under Banks. Banks tries to fight back, but Jax tosses Banks clear across the ring. Banks hits her leg on the bottom rope when she lands. Jax picks up the crutch, but instead of using it, she just walks away.

Backstage, Foley congratulates Cesaro and Sheamus on winning the tag titles. Foley presents Cesaro and Sheamus with new red tag team titles. A Referee runs into Foley’s office and tells him that they need him in the back now. Braun Strowman is destroying the backstage area. Strowman tells Foley that Zayn only survived 10 minutes in the ring with him because he let him. Strowman wants Zayn in the ring tonight. Foley tells Strowman that Zayn isn’t there. Foley asks Strowman to take the night off. Strowman says he sees how it’s going to be.

Cedric Alexander w/Alicia Fox vs Noam Dar

Alexander floors Dar with a stiff spinning back elbow. Alexander takes Dar over with a backflip head scissors, followed by a dropkick. Dar rolls to the outside to collect himself. After a short break, Dar is working over Alexander’s arm. Dar goes up top, but he misses his double foot stomp. Alexander almost beheads Dar with a handspring spin kick. Alexander obliterates Dar with the Lumbar Check for the win!

Winner- Cedric Alexander

After the match, Noam Dar… says some stuff… none of which is intelligible. I guess he wants Alicia Fox… All he wants for Christmas is her.