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Ryback on What He Would Say to CM Punk If He Ever Ran Into Him, Vince McMahon Not Liking His “Big Guy” Nickname, More

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Former WWE creative writer Kevin Eck has posted up a new Q&A with former WWE star Ryback and below are some highlights:

CM Punk was very critical of you as a worker during his appearance on Colt Cabana’s podcast after Punk left WWE. If you ever run into Punk, what would you say to him?

“Recently, Colt Cabana and myself had a talk, and he was very apologetic, even though he never said anything. But it meant a lot to me because we always got along in the few encounters we had. I will never know why [Punk] chose to say the things he did, and it definitely didn’t help my career at that point. All I know is he was very banged up and miserable during the periods we worked together. I think people have to look at it this way: How many other people are out there saying that about me? I was always respectful of him in his time there, and before our runs together, he was always good to me. Working in the WWE, though, has a way to bring out the worst in everybody. I have made jokes [about Punk] over the years via social media, as it is fun to get a reaction from his followers from time to time, but if I were to ever see him, I would tell him, “If I really did ever hurt you [in the ring], I truly am sorry, but I don’t think it was the right thing to do to say the things you did.” Life is too short to hold grudges, and I truly wish him the best in his life.”

It was during my time on the WWE creative team that you started referring to yourself as “The Big Guy” in interviews. The first time you said it, me and some of the others writers thought it was great and made it a point to include it when writing your promos. However, one day, during a booking meeting, [WWE CEO] Vince [McMahon] said he didn’t like you calling yourself “The Big Guy.” He said it was silly and told us to never put it in a script ever again, even though you had it on your tights at that point. So we had to do as he said, yet you continued to say it anyway. Did Vince ever tell you directly to stop saying it?

“I was only ever told exactly what you said while in the WWE, but he personally never told me that. He also banned me several times from hitting my head and saying, ‘stupid,’ but now, ‘stupid idiot'” is totally OK. I would get adults and kids alike coming up to me impersonating me saying ‘The Big Guy’ and ‘stupid,’ so it only makes sense that Vince didn’t understand it and thought it was silly. Makes about as much sense as telling me when I was the No. 2 merchandise seller in the company to quit saying ‘Feed me more’ and to let my merchandise tank. Explain that theory to me. It all goes back to the ankle injury, but it is his company, and he can do what he wants with it.”


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